Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Great Time With Some Grandkids

A couple of the grandkids were at our house this week – which means lots of attention and play time for me. We took walks and played in the park but, besides that, they went places and I stayed home…

There was a movie for Dana and Peyton (Mirror, Mirror - great fun for grandmas with granddaughters - D) while Mike and Garrett went to the Seabee Museum.

The Ronald Reagan Museum for everybody but me:

The next day, they visited the Channel Islands National Park Visitor Center – I didn’t get to go there either:

Then it was time for the kids to go home - after they left, the house seemed so quiet -  I missed my playmates.

See you next week!


  1. Hi, Archie. Those are some great photos of some of your favorite kids--mine too.

  2. The kids miss you a lot too, Archie.
