Thursday, May 31, 2012


Made a quick trip in the motor home to see our kids.  It was great to get back on the road, even for just a short jaunt.

There was a birthday to celebrate and a baseball tournament to see.


At the baseball field, I made some new friends. These boys weren’t on Ethan’s team but they thought I looked friendly anyway…

And my cousin, Fifi, came over to play. She jumps on the dash to look out the window; she teIls me everything that is happening out there. When she’s seen enough, she bounces right back to the floor.  How does she do that?

It was easy to stay entertained because if we weren't out somewhere, people came  to visit us at the motorhome.
And if we got tired, we would just take a nap – no matter where we might be!
We had a lot of fun. The time went so fast, before I knew it, I was home again.


1 comment:

  1. We always love seeing you, Arch. Just today we were at the Pet Store getting Bomber (Garrett's new fish) fresh fish food and Garrett said, "Oh, let's get a treat for Archie." We didn't because we weren't sure when we would see you again but you are always on our minds.
